Results of the July LEM exam are available here: Exam results
Results of the June LEM exam are available here: Exam results
Results of the exoneration are available here: Results
Following the government decree issued for the coronavirus emergency, the course will be held in conference call through Google Meet from Wednesday 18 March 2020. Students are asked to send an e-mail to the lecturer in order to be included in the mailing list. 17/02/2020
The course of Lab Electrical Measurements on Wednesday 4th March. 13/02/2020
Lab Electrical Measurements class: Wednesday 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Thursday 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Laboratorio di Metodi e Strumenti di Misura, via delle Sette Sale 13/02/2020 - Material Material about the course is availbale in the "material" section. This material will be updated during the course. 29/05/2019
Results of the final test of May 28th are available here: Results
Students that have to discuss the exam are invited to the Laboratorio di Metodi e Strumenti di Misura, via delle Sette Sale Tuesday 4 June at 12:00 p.m. Measurement and Uncertainty Measurement procedure and rules for making a good measure, how to write correctly a measurement result.
Presentation of the DC power supply and signal generator, connecting cables and visualization of a signal waveform on the DSO.
Causes of uncertainty, random and systematic errors, maximum error, metrological compatibility between measures, error propagation law.
Random variables, type uncertainty and its evaluation of category A and category B, law of propagation of uncertainty, composed uncertainty, expanded uncertainty.
Digital Multimeter Presentation of the digital multimeter (DMM), DMM specifications. Measurement of DC voltages, resistances and DC current. Introduction to the Voltmeter-Ammeter Method for Measurement of Resistance. 4-wire measurements. Digital sampling oscilloscope Presentation of the digital sampling oscilloscope (DSO), vertical axis settings, vertical axis specifications.
Measurement of the effective value of sine and square waveform.
DSO horizontal axis settings and specifications, presentation of the probe, compensation of the probe.
Frequency and duty cycle measurements. Filter frequency response and response to the step and their measurements.
DSO measurement in double trace mode of the absolute value and phase of a RC low pass filter frequency response @ the cut-off frequency. Rise time measurement of a RC low pass filter step response.
Measurement with the DSO of the suppressed band slope of the frequency response absolute value of a RLC filter. LCR meter Measurement with the LCR meter. Power meter Measurement with the power meter. For the detailed programme refers to detailed lectures. Dr. Erika Pittella receives Wednesday and Thursday by appointment via email.
E-mail: erika.pittella(at)uniroma1.it
Tel.: 06 44585864
Slides "Introduction",Measurement and uncertainty
(password required) "Measurement procedure", Measurement procedure
(password required) "Digital multimeters", DMMs
(password required) "Measurements with digital multimeters", Measurements with DMMs
(password required) "AC Measurement and Voltmeter-ammeter method", AC meas & V-A method
(password required) "Small resistance measurement", 4-W method
(password required) "Digital sampling oscilloscope", DSO
(password required)
Programme (A.Y. 2019-2020)
OFFICE HOURS (A.Y. 2019-2020)
MATERIAL (A.Y. 2019-2020)
"Digital sampling oscilloscope - measurement on vertical axis", DSO - Vertical axis measurements (password required)
"Digital sampling oscilloscope - measurement on horizontal axis", DSO - Horizontal axis measurements (password required)
"Duty cycle measurement and probe compensation", DC meas. & probe compensation procedure (password required)
"RC filter", Measurement on RC filter (password required)
"X-Y mode measurement", RC filter - X-Y mode (password required)
"Rise time measurement", RC filter - rise time (password required)
"RLC filter", Measurement on RLC circuit (password required)
"LCR meter", Measurement with the LCR meter (password required)
"Measurement with DMM", DMM Form (password required)
"Voltmeter-Ammeter method", V-A method form (password required)
"4-W method", 4-W form (password required)
"Measurement with the DSO", Amplitude and frequency meas form (password required)
DC meas form (password required)
Circuit meas form (password required)
"DMM 7555 Yokogawa", DMM 7555 Yokogawa datasheet (password required)
"DL1620 Digital oscilloscope Yokogawa user's manual", DL1620 user's manual
"DMM Fluke 117 True RMS user's manual", Fluke 117 user's manual
The final exam consists of a practical report on one of the measurements performed in class.